Why do people write into comments sections on the web? What are they trying to achieve?
Driving along listening to BBC Radio4, I was struck by the “Thought for the Day” speaker. Before speaking or writing, according to Hindu scripture, we obliged to consider:
- are we being honest?
- is what we are saying true?
- is it necessary to say or write?
- will someone be hurt or offended by what we are saying or writing? and.
- can we be kinder, more respectful in what we say or write, if this is really something necessary and required?
Mostly when I look through the comments sections, I find comments that are dismissive, sometimes of the article, but often of the author just because…. Comments are often off topic, often abusive and unhelpful. They are very often rude.
Sometimes there seems to be an attempt to show off, to demonstrate a superiority of understanding or knowledge. It often falls apart if challenged and then the so-called “experts” often become rude and obnoxious when the absurdity of what they’re saying becomes clear.
The weirdest ones, are where misogynists start posting comments after a vaguely feminist article. The comments are short and dismissive, consistent and repetitive, building a steady rhythm, to a crescendo. Reading through them, it becomes very clear that they are groups totally committed to stroking each other’s egos more than anything else. It’s like one long mastubatory sequence, short key strokes, pressing each other’s favourite keys and buzzwords.
They need to get a room.
Very, very occasionally comments are positive. Even where people disagree, there are rare occasions where they do so politely and with respect.