Chocolate Cheesecake

Chocolate Cheesecake

75 g walnuts, butter melted
200 g ginger biscuits, crushed
175g dark chocolate, melted
150g double cream
250g mascapone cheese
1/2 tbsp rum/whisky/espresso coffee
1tsp either cardamon or cinnamon
50g caster sugar
250g raspberries to top

Brush a tart tin (one large or individual ones) with melted butterĀ  & chill in the fridge.
Mix together the 75g melted butter and crushed biscuits and press into the chilled flan cake to make the cheesecake base.
Mix the cheese, rum/whisky/coffee, sugar, spice and cream together until smooth. Fold in the melted chocolate until well combined.
Spoon the chocolate filling into the biscuit base and chill well. Top with raspberries before serving.