Roast Cauliflower Salad

Roast cauliflower is apparently trendy. Who knew? Always partial to a bit of cauliflower cheese, I tend to enjoy roast cauliflower in a salad rather than on it’s own. So first roast your cauliflower…

Serves 4
1 large cauliflower, about 1kg
Fine salt
50g butter, softened
2 tbsp olive oil & 1 tbsp harissa

For the saladĀ (optional)
4 hard boiled eggs
75g hazelnuts, roasted and crushed as a topping


For the lemonĀ tahini dressing
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 tsp cumin & 1/4 tsp cayenne & salt to taste
about 1/4 cup water to make an emulsion

Trim the leaves of the cauliflower, if necessary, so the top of the white part is exposed and level the base so it sits flat. Heat the oven to 240C. Bring to the boil a large pan of water with 1 tbsp fine salt per litre dissolved in it, then lower in the cauliflower, stem-side down. Bring to the boil again and cook for eight minutes, turning once if necessary, then drain and leave to dry in a colander, florets-side down, for 10 minutes.

Beat the oil into the butter and harissa. Rub all over the cauliflower and season, then roast on a baking tray for 20 to 30 minutes until well browned, basting occasionally. It should be be soft but not soggy. Allow to cool if using for the salad.

Meanwhile, make the dressing by combining all ingredients in a screw top jar except the water and shake. Add enough water to make the right consistency

Combine the cauliflower and eggs. Drizzle on the dressing and sprinkle the crushed nuts on top.