
There was an excellent article in the Spectator by Matthew Parrish that I have decided to take to heart. I have decided to enjoy brexit going forward. This does not mean I agree that it was a good idea, in any way shape or form. I think we’re fucked. I genuinely believe that we have taken a turn in the wrong direction and millions of British citizens will be poorer as a result.

But that’s not on me. That’s entirely the responsibility of those people who voted “leave” and I’m not one of them.

So when the discussions turn to the rights or otherwise of British citizens living in the EU, I am calm. I have done my best for them. I voted “remain” to maintain their rights so the current turbulence, the lack of security and serenity is entirely due to “leave” voters.

Maybe all of the many many pitfalls and pratfalls I see opening up in front of our country will never come to pass. It’s possible that pessimism is overstated.

But each and every time something goes wrong, I can clearly and easily acknowledge the fact that this is not my doing. I did not vote for this. And if you did, well shame on you because you were definitely warned.